The cruise ship floats up a couple of times a day, giving you opportunities to choose whether or not you want one of several possible intrusions to occur on your island. As the game mentions, there are upsides and downsides to each.
Tourists want to visit different parts of your island. They pay 10 gems but throw trash and leave pollution behind on 7 adjacent tiles (not always the same ones in any given region) each time they visit. | |
Land developer wants to a build a resort on your island. You get paid 1-3 gems daily, but an area 12 tiles in size will not support animals. Animals living in this area will be out of a home and cannot survive. The land developers will return to offer you back your land for 20 gems after a day or so, but if you want out sooner, you can call them anytime with your conch. | |
Biologist asks you to host an experimental creature, which is good for your field guide, but bad for any creatures living on the tiles or the tiles immediately surrounding where it lands (you don’t get to choose where). No matter how much you water the land, the tile the gorilla sits on and all the tiles immediately surrounding it will remain foodless. | |
Hunters want to visit your island. They set up a travelling camp and don’t leave until they have culled the entire species. Be careful not to lose your event animals or mutants to hunters by accident! They will eliminate all creatures of that species, even ones that you discover after they start hunting. | |
Botanists want to modify your island. You can choose from a selection of special habitats the botanists will offer you that you can’t create by yourself. You need the correct existing terrain to place them. There are creatures in the game that can only be found in these places. |